Pad Thai

vegetarian | gluten free| dairy free | egg free | vegan

20 minutes or less


What You’ll Need:

1 Tbsp coconut oil

1 inch hunk of fresh ginger, minced

1 block organic, extra firm tofu, pressed, then diced


1 bag slaw mix, any variety (or 1 small cabbage, sliced)

1/2 pound green beans

1 sweet bell pepper, seeded & diced

1/2 cup filtered water

For the sauce:

¼ c natural peanut butter

2 Tbsp Tamari

1 Tbsp rice wine vinegar

1 Tbsp filtered water

½  tsp sea salt

Slice tofu in half lengthwise. Press by layering on a plate: tea towel, tofu, tea towel, another plate. Place a small amount of pressure on the top plate to release excess water from tofu.

Cube pressed tofu & combine with coconut oil & ginger in a large frying pan or Wok. Pan fry, stirring often, until kind of crispy. 

Add veggies & water to pan.  Sauté, stirring frequently.

Whisk ingredients for sauce together in a small bowl.

Once the veggies have cooked to desired cooked-ness, add sauce to pan.  Stir until peanut butter has melted & stir fry is coated with goodness.  Dish into 2 bowls and dive in!


Serves 2.