how to eat more veggies

How to Eat More Veggies

#1 question we get when sharing with people that we eat a plant centered diet:



"Where do you get your protein?!?"


Think about this for a second. Where do some of the worlds largest living things get their intense strength and power?

I'm taking elephants. 🐘Giraffes. Rhinoceros. 🦏Gorilla. 🦍Hippopotamus. Elk. 🦌and when they roamed the Earth, Tons of DINOSAURS. 🐲

🙌🏻🙌🏻Yup, you guessed it! Plants! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

One cup of lentil soup will deliver nearly 20 GRAMS of protein. When combined with a balanced diet, deliver a complete protein profile, which is exactly what the body needs. 👻

So here's the deal. A 100% plant based diet isn't for everyone (we aren't 100%!).

What IS for everyone are the benefits we reap from incorporating MORE plants into our diet. 🥒🍈🌱

Start where you are! 👌🏼

If you don’t know where to start, ask for help! 🙋🏽‍♀️

I'm sharing my story on this 30 minute workshop, as well as 4 essential steps to ditch the diet mentality, heal your body, feel confident & comfortable in your skin, for LIFE.

Tune in 👇🏼👇🏼 !

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Part 4: Grocery Shopping Simplified


Effective Grocery Shopping

You are well on your way to being super organized and saving some serious cash on your next grocery trip!  Today, we’ll talk ways to making this trip quick, and kind to the wallet.  


  1. Set up your shopping list the way that your grocery is set up.  Envision the space, and start your list where you will enter.  The majority of the time, this is the produce section. So, first on the list; produce.  Last on my list is typically dairy, as that is what is at the opposite end of the store.  And everything else falls between!

  2. STICK TO THE LIST.  I mean it.  Don’t be tempted by sales, or talk yourself into buying something that “just looks so good.”  If you effectively planned for this trip (which you did), you already know what’s on sale, and probably have it on your list anyway.          

  3. If you have kids, be prepared with snacks.  LOTS of snacks.  It’s hard to buzz around a store with a cranky child.  A whole apple is always a good choice for us--provides 15-20 minutes of solid, sticky entertainment.  

  4. Consider a smaller store.  The bigger the store, the more choices, and let’s face it, the more madness.  Choose a smaller grocery in your area to make your time spent there most effective.  

  5. Opt for fresh foods.  Doing this forces you to remain on the PERIMETER of the store.  While there are certainly exceptions, most of what is found in the aisles is overly processed, overpriced and not-so-good for you anyway.  Avoiding the aisles as much as possible leads to a quick and effective shopping trip!

  6. Stay away from the self checkout line.  You don’t know the PLUs, you will probably scan something incorrectly, and I guarantee you something will go wrong that that damn scale.  Then, you will need to wait 3 minutes for someone to come over and scan their card to turn off your blinking red light.  Meanwhile, the person who entered the “long” line next to you is already on their way out.  Let the cashier do the work for you.  Bonus?  They will more than likely do the bagging for you, to.

What are your tips for survival? 

Looking for parts 1-3 of the meal planning series?  Get in touch!  Contact me directly HERE.  

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Best Sources of Plant-Based Protein

#1 question we get when sharing with people that we eat a plant based diet:



"Where do you get your protein?!?"


Think about this for a second. Where do some of the worlds largest living things get their intense strength and power?

I'm taking elephants. 🐘Giraffes. Rhinoceros. 🦏Gorilla. 🦍Hippopotamus. Elk. 🦌and when they roamed the Earth, Tons of DINOSAURS. 🐲

🙌🏻🙌🏻Yup, you guessed it! Plants! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

One cup of lentil soup will deliver nearly 20 GRAMS of protein. When combined with a balanced diet, deliver a complete protein profile, which is exactly what the body needs. 👻

So here's the deal. A 100% plant based diet isn't for everyone (we aren't 100%!).

What IS for everyone are the benefits we reap from incorporating MORE plants into our diet. 🥒🍈🌱

Check out some of these delish sources of plant-based proteins.  Chances are, you are already incorporating more than you realize! 


Beans (kidney, black, garbanzo/chickpea, white, lima, etc) dried and cooked or drained & rinsed

Lentils, cooked & drained

Edamame, shelled, organic 

Tofu, organic sprouted if possible

Tempeh, organic

photo cred: Health Magazine

photo cred: Health Magazine

Seitan, organic 

Green peas 

Hemp Hearts

Organic, unsweetened nut butters (peanut, almond..)

Nuts; peanut, almond, macadamia, walnut, brazil, pistachio, cashew, hazelnut, pecan

Seeds; chia, pumpkin

Wild rice 

Nutritional yeast 



Steel cut or whole (not quick cook) oats

Protein powder, vegan; to add to smoothies.  Please email me for my recommendations! 


And, even these plants carry 2-5 grams per 1 c serving:

Organic, sweet corn


Broccoli rabe






Brussel sprouts 



Portobella mushrooms

Hubbard squash 

Collard greens


Now you might be like, well Sarah, how am I sure that I get all essential amino acids ?!  (these are the 9 essential acids necessary for optimal body function) Not to worry--  as long as you get a variety of proteins throughout the day, you'll get ample amounts of each amino acids. 

Start where you are! 👌🏼

If you don’t know where to start, please reach out!!  


Contact me directly HERE! 

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