You’ve hit a plateau, are feeling super low on energy, irritable or with cravings gone wild. Your skin may be acting up, or your digestion in slow motion.
I hear you sister, I hear you.
When we find ourselves in this space, we often feel like giving up on ourselves— like all of our efforts are null & void. Well, let me let you in on a little secret. YOU ARE DOING A GREAT JOB. And, giving up on yourself is disservice not only to you & your quality of life & health, but to those that you love.
Today, I’m sharing 5 simple shifts that, when done consistently, will keep you out of this rut. These aren’t quick fixes. They are LIFESTYLE changes.
If you’re feeling like you in a place in your life where you’re ready to uplevel, I invite you to adopt all 5 of these into your daily routine! BUT, if you’re feeling overwhelmed or like you don’t even know where to start… Start with ONE and commit to it consistently for 21 days before layering another one in.
These little tools will be a game changer!
Water First. This is #1!! Your body needs AT LEAST half of it’s body weight in ounces in water each day. So, if you weigh 160 pounds, you’re aiming for at least 80 ounces each day.
Start your day by drinking down 12-24 ounces of water upon waking. Before meals, before grabbing for a snack, before going for seconds...think & drink: WATER FIRST.
Eat more plants. At each meal, focus on filling HALF of your plate with fresh veggies & fruits. Plant foods are packed with fiber, water, antioxidants, phytonutrients and are super nutrient dense, meaning you get the most nutrients for calorie consumption. The Veg Out Meal Plan Series is an awesome way to up your veggie intake, while also saving time, money & taking the guesswork out of what to cook each week. At all meals, think EAT MORE PLANTS.
Rest and digest. Remember that food is ENERGY! We don’t need energy to sleep ;) Ideally, your last bite of the night is dinner. Practicing a 12 hour fast between your last bite in and your first bite the following morning allows your body to rest and digest, and speed up metabolic fire, and increase energy. After dinner, close the kitchen & think REST & DIGEST.
Track. What you don’t track goes whack. Are you moving more (or less)? Changing your movement/exercise routine has a huge impact on how your body needs/uses energy! Are you snacking more than you thought you were? Old habits creeping back in? Are you achieving more than you are giving yourself credit for? Track it, journal it, do honest reflecting.
The 14 Day Cleanse is the perfect way to not only tune in to how your body FEELS when you eat certain foods, but also your habits around food.
Check in with your thoughts. How is your mindset? Are you focusing on what is going well? Celebrating the wins? Seeing obstacles as an opportunity for learning and growth? This piece is SO CRUCIAL!
If you stay focused on what is not going well, you will attract more of what is….not going well. Stay focused on the wins, what you are grateful for and what brings you joy & you’ll have more wins, more joy, and more to be grateful for. Download this free journal template to help you stay focused on what serves you! Remember, MINDSET WINS!
Which of these simple steps feels most important for you right now? Comment below & let me know!