Lessons from a Belly Roll

I used to hate how my belly rolled over my pants when I sat down.


I always felt like I was too short. That my hair was too frizzy, my love handles too curvy.

I used to obsess about my calves being unevenly shaped, my smile lines too deep, and the hair on my arms too dark.

I used to to think that my gums show too much when I smile, my upper thighs not lean enough, my bust too busty and my feet too wide.

Over the years, my body had changed a lot. My hair has changed, the shape of my thighs, my belly, by breasts, my skin. I’m still short but I’ve adapted to a world made for taller people well 😂

And as time goes, I start to notice more and more how my body FEELS, how it MOVES, and how my heart feels.

How it feels to belly laugh.

To nourish with a healthy meal.

To run.

To embrace my babies.

To feel the sun shine on my face and the earth between my toes.

As I continue to notice more of the things that really matter, I feel less of the thoughts that involve not being enough.

I guess there just isn’t enough room for all the thoughts, so I’ve let some of that old outdated shit go.✌🏼

It’s been awesome.



PS.  Love a challenge?  We're working on an awesome 30 Day Challenge in the New Year involving incorporating (1) plant-based meal per day (don't worry, we'll give you everything you need!), a community to connect with on the daily, and access to a live Q&A call with yours truly! 

Details coming in the next few weeks--click here if you don't want to miss the opportunity to join!

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