healthy pregnancy

Freezer Stash Meals

We stopped at target 🎯 before this grocery run and Ziggy asked “why are we buying so many things?”

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“Because I’m nesting” 😂🐣

The struggle is so real 🤣🤣

Doing some major batch cooking over the next week or two!! Stockpiling the freezer to make eating as well as possible EASY those first few weeks of healing & transitioning to a family of 4. (👪+👶🏼 omgeeee!)

The response around creating a resource that included my freezer stash plan, with recipes & a grocery list for each was an overwhelming YES! So, here it is!

Questions? Reach out to me directly!!

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33 Weeks Pregnant and Painting

It’s sometimes wild looking at a before and wondering how you lived with it for that long 😳 *tap to expand see bedroom transformation*

While I put the final coat of paint on these walls a couple weeks ago, my grandmother called to wish me a happy birthday.

“You’re painting on your birthday?!”

“Yup! Totally not enjoying this part, but know I will enjoy the outcome.”

Sure, painting while 33 weeks pregnant was definitely not the highlight of my week. 🤰🏻

But I loved creating a vision for what I wanted to room to look like..picking out the paint..working on a project with Chris..going to home goods and picking out new tiny touches..reorganizing the space.

The only part that really sucked was the painting part.

And I’m so glad I stuck with it because our bedroom is a much more beautiful place
to be !! 😍

So when you find yourself wrapped up in the part of the journey that feels hard.. the part that you hate the most.. the part that you find yourself complaining about..

..shift your focus to your vision, the process you’re in, and all the little pieces along the way that actually give you joy. 🧚🏼‍♂️

You don’t have to go fast. You just have to go ❤️


PS. With the end of the month and the arrival of this baby fast approaching, this is the final week to be a part of Nutritional Foundations! This 4 week program simplifies all the nutrition noise out there, and sets the stage for a way of eating you can (and will!) sustain for LIFE!

Second Trimester Workout

Imagine if we lived in a world where babies stopped their attempts at walking the first time they lost balance and landed on their behinds. 🍑

We would have a world full of grown humans, who were perfectly capable of a skill they gave up on, and would have missed out on a lifetime of other things because of it. 👶🏼

Thankfully, babies are determined and resilient. They fall. They fall hard. And they do it over and over and over again. They don’t say, “I can’t,” they don’t give up, and they don’t judge themselves for every little flop. 🙌🏻

They surround themselves by supportive people, who cheer them on. They persist and persist...until one day they cruise from point A to point B without a crash, beginning to develop a skill they will carry with them for a lifetime. 🚶🏼‍♂️🚶🏽‍♀️🚶🏿‍♂️🚶🏼‍♀️

We would never tell a baby perfecting their craft they’re doing it wrong, that they’re stupid & clumsy or to give up. But the words we say to ourselves? They’re often toxic and prevent us from moving forward. 🤚🏼

I talk to women that share with me that they can’t do certain things. That they feel defeated. That they feel {this close} to giving up. That they pick up momentum but then lose steam. They try to figure it out on their own. And I relate to all this pain, because I’ve been here. 😭

Those babies? They’re onto something. They allow themselves to be supported. They have a clear vision on what they are setting out to do. They are open to trying some things differently, and THEY DON’T GIVE UP. 👏🏼👏🏼

Applying these shifts 👆🏼 has completely transformed my life, and is, hands down, why I haven’t used pregnancy as an excuse to stop moving with intention, eat loads of garbage, or let my mind judge my body as it expands and changes to accommodate this HUMAN! (so crazy right?!)

Ziggy, the bump and I are going to visit family over the next few days, but I’ve opened a few slots in my calendar next week for complimentary health coaching sessions. If this message resonates with you, and you’re ready to implement, let’s connect ! (No buddha squats required.. I mean, unless you want to 🤣🤰🏻)

❤ 👇🏼